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我们为与土著群体建立的关系感到自豪,并致力于提供业务, 就业 and training opportunities to the people on whose lands we operate.

Opportunities for 土著 groups

By partnering with 土著 businesses and community members, 我们为我们开展业务的社区的社会和经济福祉做出贡献. 我们的土著关系商业参与团队与土著群体合作,确定对项目相关合同机会感兴趣的企业和个人. 他们还努力确保我们的承包商与土著企业进行有意义的接触. In 2020, based on feedback from 土著 groups, 我们对企业参与计划进行了重大改进,旨在帮助本土企业取得成功.

We accept applications from contractors, suppliers and vendors looking to work with us. For more information on doing business with us, visit our Contractors, suppliers and vendors section.

为未来的能源挑战寻找解决方案需要不同的观点和经验. 我们认识到土著员工为我们所做的工作带来的独特观点,并致力于在我们的团队和项目中为土著声音提供机会和公平. 拥有顶尖的本土人才是帮助我们解决世界上最大的能源问题的关键.  

Our 土著 scholarship program, 对580多个土著伙伴关系的投资,以及我们与土著群体40年的接触历史,代表了我们对我们工作所在社区的承诺. 我们的《推荐全球十大赌博靠谱平台》为我们构建强大的共同未来提供了路线图. 我们认识到土著人民提供的宝贵和极其重要的贡献, both within our offices and along our footprint, and prioritize building and maintaining these positive relationships.   

In 1982, TC Energy spent an average yearly investment of $5 million in 土著 businesses.
To date, Coastal GasLink has awarded $1.20亿美元的合同授予当地土著企业,这些企业隶属于海岸天然气连接协议持有的第一民族团体
In 2021, TC Energy and our Prime or General Contractors collectively reported more than $1.1 billion spent with 土著 and Native American businesses
tc-little-rock-lake-lodge-1200x675.jpg case-study-icon.png


Honouring the past, celebrating the future

December 2019 marked the opening of Little Rock Lake Lodge, 这是一个为不列颠哥伦比亚省沿海GasLink项目工作的600名男女建造的劳动力住宿点, 加拿大. Located in Nadleh Whut’en territory, the lodge was established through a partnership with the Nation, Horizon North and Falcon Camp Services.



案例研究: Alexander First Nation


As long-term neighbours of our natural gas pipeline system in Alberta, 亚历山大第一民族将重型设备操作员技能培训确定为优先事项,以帮助其成员在社区内外获得高质量的工作.

由TC Energy在Alexander First Nation支持的技能培训是我们的运营为我们运营所在社区创造直接和间接经济效益的方式之一.


Need more information or have a question?

电邮至 indigenous_relations@kaisleybed.net打电话给我们 1-855-895-8754 或浏览我们的 全球十大赌博靠谱平台 浏览更多信息.